You care for them. We care for you.
The Best Insurance forChild Care Providers
At America’s Day Care Insurance, we understand the unique challenges that child care centers, preschools, and early education providers face in ensuring the safety and well-being of children while managing a business.
With more than 30 years of experience, we specialize in providing comprehensive insurance solutions tailored specifically to your child care business.
From coast to coast, we proudly serve child care providers of all sizes. Our clients range from independent home day cares to national child care franchises, and we offer customizable insurance plans designed to meet the regulatory and operational needs of each location.
We understand that child care regulations can vary by state, which is why we work with you to ensure your coverage aligns with your local requirements while providing peace of mind.
Whether you run a small family day care out of your home in New York or a large child care center in Georgia, we have you covered.
Get the Coverage You Need
General Liability
Property Coverage
Transporation Coverage
Non-owned Auto Laibility
General Liability
Property Coverage
Commercial Auto
Workers Compensation
Employee Practices Liability
Accident Medical Coverage
Protect your business from claims of bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury arising from incidents on your premises.
Safeguard your facilities, equipment, and supplies from risks like fire, theft, and natural disasters, ensuring that your day care can continue operations without major disruptions.
Protect against claims related to professional services, including accusations of negligence or failure to meet expected standards of care.
Offer coverage for your employees in case of work-related injuries or illnesses, complying with state-specific regulations.
A vital aspect of child care insurance, this coverage provides financial protection against claims of abuse or molestation, ensuring your business is prepared for the worst while striving to provide the best care.
We’ll ensure that any vehicle you or your employees may use for business purposes is properly covered, protecting your interests.
We provide coverage for child care center and in-home daycares.
At America's Day Care Insurance, we focus solely on child care insurance.
We ensure your policy has you covered for any circumstance.
We are always available to hear your questions and concerns.
With clients from every corner of the country, we understand the diverse needs of child care providers across various regions. Our team stays informed about changing state regulations, ensuring your business remains compliant wherever you operate.
Furthermore, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. Every child care provider is different, which is why we work closely with you to customize an insurance package that meets your specific needs.
Finally, we are more than just an insurance provider. We are partners in your commitment to the safety and development of the children in your care. We offer additional resources and guidance to help you manage risks and maintain a safe environment.
Let us help you protect your business so you can focus on what matters most—providing quality care for children. Contact us today for a customized insurance quote tailored to your child care center’s needs, no matter where you’re located.
The cost of child care insurance varies based on factors like the size of your facility, the number of children you care for, the location of your daycare, and the specific coverages you choose. On average, in-home daycare insurance costs less than coverage for larger daycare centers.
Child care businesses typically need the following types of coverage:
Yes, child care insurance typically includes coverage for incidents involving both employees and children. For example, general liability covers accidents involving children, while workers' compensation provides coverage for employees who are injured while working.
Abuse and molestation coverage is often offered as an add-on or a separate policy. This coverage is essential in protecting your business from allegations of sexual misconduct, which, even if unfounded, can lead to costly legal battles.
In many states, yes, insurance is required for home-based daycares, especially if they are licensed. Even if it’s not a legal requirement, having insurance is highly recommended to protect your personal and business assets.
General Liability: Covers third-party bodily injuries or property damage that happens on your premises (e.g., a child gets hurt while playing).
Professional Liability: Covers claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in the services you provide (e.g., a parent claims improper care or failure to supervise their child properly).
Yes, you can add commercial auto insurance or non-owned auto liability coverage if you or your employees use personal or company vehicles for daycare-related transportation. This will ensure that both the vehicle and your business are protected in case of an accident.
Coverage for off-site activities, like field trips, can be included in your policy but may require additional endorsements. It’s important to inform your insurance provider about off-site activities so that they can offer the appropriate coverage.
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